How I’m dealing with being an inconsistent blogger


Hello all who remain following my blog!

I have abandoned my blog… I know. So many things have happened since I last posted. Good things. I started a new job, learned new things, etc. After all this time I still thought about posting on my blog but I found myself not to be interested or motivated to do it anymore.

I noticed that I do this a lot. I start a cool project that could take me far and I never finish it. For example, I have different art/design accounts that I rarely post to. I also have YouTube channels where I have started to post my own videos but I abandoned it after a while. I guess I just keep trying everything but I don’t stick to it. Now as I’m getting older it’s really starting to bother me. On one hand, it’s cool that I’m trying different things to find out what I like. On the other hand, I feel like I give up on things too easily.

As I thought this through, I realized that I over-commit and then I find myself totally overwhelmed and just push it aside.

Here are a few things that I believe are going to help me take baby steps to being a more consistent blogger:

  1. Make a list of things I want to talk about this month
  2. Commit to at least ONE post per week
  3. Pre-write and schedule posts
  4. Make sure I’m having funĀ 

Cheers to making small goals!